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Child Education

Child Education Sponsorship

No child should be deprived of basic education

Education is the only means to bring about the necessary changes and improvements in society. According to studies, well-educated civilizations had fewer incidences of violence and crime. It is critical for shaping a nation's future through facilitating future citizens' overall growth.

Children pick up on what they've been taught since childhood. Education instils in youngsters' self-discipline, a sense of responsibility, and teamwork, as well as preventing them from feeling socially insecure. It aids in self-assurance and good decision-making. A well-educated child can weather the ups and downs of his family and rise to a respectable social status. We all want to see our children succeed in life, which is only possible with a decent education.

At Independent You foundation, we believe that education is more than just a recognised human right: it is a potent force for breaking the cycle of poverty and bringing about social transformation. Education is a critical aspect of one's life since it shapes one's personality, thoughts, and social skills, as well as prepares people for life's events.

We foresee a democracy in which each citizen is empowered not only in their own capacities, but also in the ethics of equality, the importance of diversity, and the ethos of justice, and is therefore motivated by social awareness. Schools are the places where these values, skills, and talents are developed.

Over 2 million children lost their parent during the current pandemic. Realizing that they will not be able to continue their education in absence of family condition, we founded Independent You Foundation to assist vulnerable children who either lost their parent in pandemic or lack adequate support from their families and other social institutions in reaching their full academic and social potential.

Our definition of a good education is one that guarantees a child's holistic growth in numerous dimensions, allowing them to reach their full potential as active, contributing, and concerned citizens of the world. Cognitive, social, emotional, physical, and ethical capacities are among the many dimensions of growth. Other crucial aspects of an excellent education system include learning-to-learn, critical thinking, problem-solving, conceptual comprehension, and so on.

We envision a democratic society in which every child has an equal opportunity to define their life with knowledge and to learn values such as equity, diversity, and justice. These values that are instilled in pupils have a far greater impact on their minds than we realise, and they contribute significantly to their success as adults.

The major goal of Independent You is to provide education to children who are unable to attend continue their education due to a variety of factors or who cannot afford it. Independent you Foundation has taken on the promise of sponsoring education of 200 children so that we may assist them in realizing their dreams of leading a good and happy life.




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